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PRAXIS Oslo arrangerer samtaler om mangelen på prøve- og produksjonslokaler

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Høsten 2020/vinteren 2021 vil PRAXIS Oslo arrangere samtaler som adresserer mangelen på prøve- og produksjonslokaler i Oslo. Til den første samtalen, den 21. september, har de invitert dansekunstnerne Ingeleiv Berstad (Bananaz) og Ann-Christin Kongsness.

In the fall of 2020 into the winter of 2021 PRAXIS Oslo will initiate a series of conversations addressing the lack of space and production platforms in Norway, Oslo specifically. Internationally, there are successful examples of organisations that meet these needs by offering artists flexible work space opportunities, production and administrative support. Together with people from established institutions, we as freelance artists want to think about new formats and solutions for these urgent issues.

We want to map a network of affordable rehearsal spaces available for the freelance dance community. Through partnerships with already subsidized organisations and institutions, we hope to create not only better accessibility to space, but more overlap between the freelance and established field. Our aim is that in the future no rehearsal space is left unused. For the conversation around production, we want to think about the possibility of creating production platforms that correspond to the current needs of a diverse freelance performing arts field in Oslo.

Please register by emailing to reserve a spot

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