Artist coaching med Anna-Lise Marie Hearn

Artistic couching

Artist Coaching er for de som er profesjonelt tilknyttet til en kunstform. Dette er en-til-en samtaleveiledning som foregår enten personlig eller online, i et konfidensielt rom.

Far from being simply an exchange in seeking and giving advice, effective
coaching is a much deeper and richer process. Within my coaching, I work with
and alongside you, attuning to your individual needs, to support your personal,
professional, and artistic development. I strive to create a safe, stimulating
environment where you feel supported in identifying challenges, working towards
your goals, and living a life that inspires you, excites you, and ultimately brings
you joy.

Overall, as a coach, my job is to empower you to reflect, discover, take action, and
make informed decisions to create positive change in your personal, professional,
and artistic life.

Does this resonate with you?
If this feels intriguing to you and you’re curious about how coaching could support
you and your journey, you are warmly welcome to join me for a discovery session
and have a confidential, non-binding, and explorative conversation.

This discovery session is intended for us to get to know each other, to find out
about your current wishes for development and focus, and for you to get to know
the coaching process and ask me any questions you may have. If you’d then like
to move forward with coaching, we can discuss the possibilities and what could
work well for you.

Click below to book your free 45-minute discovery session.



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